Est. April 1984. Visitors 189035

Member Club

Online now (3)

The Club welcomes all genuine naturists and those visitors who are genuinely interested in trying a naturist swim session.


Visitors may attend as guests of members, or by prior arrangement with the Committee. To make such arrangements, please complete the form below, or call the Club telephone on 07584 197111

Please do not just turn up at the baths without having made arrangements to visit - You will be turned away
Also please note that membership of the Spectrum Facebook group does NOT automatically grant you the right to visit the swim.


Most naturist clubs operate a system of asking visitors to complete a number of trial visits before offering membership and Spectrum is no exception.

If you are interested in joining Spectrum, please complete the form below and we will, all being well, email you an invitation and information pack. Please bring your invitation and requested ID'S with you on your first visit. You will be asked to complete 4 satisfactory visits before being considered for membership. That gives you the opportunity to decide whether Spectrum is the club you are looking for.

You must be aged 18 or over to apply for membership.

Although applications for membership need to be approved by the elected committee, we try to keep everything informal. There are no membership interviews.

Once your membership is agreed, the membership fee becomes payable.

Very occasionally we do have people who come along looking for something more than the straightforward naturism on offer at Spectrum. Not only will they be disappointed, they can also expect to be shown the door before they get the chance to complete their four visits!

Costs are:

Annual Membership - £15 per adult (all persons 18 and over)

Sessions - £7.00 members; Non-Members (New Applicants, Guests & Visitors) £9.00

Request Applicaton
Are you a 
First Applicant Second Applicant
Forename Partner Forename
SurnamePartner Surname


Tell us a little bit about yourself, how you heard about the club and why you would like to visit? (250 characters max)
0 / 250

Email Address:-

Telephone Number:-

Contacts     Telephone:- 07584 197111     Membership Enquiry     Chair     Vice Chairman     Club Safeguarding Officer     Webmaster